LGBTIQ++ diversity is welcomed and celebrated here at Jewelz A Hoopz
Hooping for Inclusion
Hooping for a world free of discrimination!
Long before I hooped in the parade, long before I was a hooper, I have supported the LGBTIQ++ community.
I was brought up to be open and to not judge people by how they identify, whether than be gender, race or religion.
Embracing your own uniqueness is and has always been a big part of my life.
I think that is what it is all about. Doesn’t matter how you identify, it matters how you treat others.
For many years the hooping community has hooped in the Mardi Gras Parade, first as the Hoopaholics and now as Hoop Force Australia. My first year hooping in the parade was 2011. The Hoop Force Float has about 80 members spinning their way up Oxford St. If you’re a hooper and support the LGBTIQ++ community please join the Facebook group:
Then you will find out how to join us in the parade. Click here to see the FB Album.
Mardi Gras is like the New Years Eve of the community and Fair Day is like Christmas. I always try to make it to both cause it’s super FUN!
Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras is more than just these 2 fabulous events, check it all out here:
SAVE THE DATE: Mardis Gras 29 February 2020
And there are many more ways to support the communities.
Via the ACON (The AIDS Council of NSW) website:
I found the Welcome Here Project
You can find the many days of the year you can show your support:

You can also become a SAFE SPACE where everyone is welcome!
LGBTIQ diversity welcomed and celebrated
#FollowTheRainbow #ACONWelcomeHere